This article focuses on domain specific modelling and data models (I can't think of a reason why those would be async), but if you look at my other articles, you will find "Khipu", which is based on UseCases. in these UsesCases (or better: in the gateways they are using) you can use any async tool you know in swift — dispatch, OperationQueues, ...
These UseCasses are the same as Robert C. Martin (aka Uncle Bob) uses them in clean architecture.
ie: the light loader use case hands a callback to lightStack.
lights(), just as we are used to it. the stack uses a client as a gateway
'''func lights(_ callback: @escaping (Result<[Light], LightError>) -> ()) {
if let url = URL(string: "http://\(ip)/api/\(user)/lights") {
let task = URLSession(configuration: .default).dataTask(with: URLRequest(url: url)) { data, _, error in
switch error {
case .some(let err): callback(.failure(.lightsEndpoint(err)))
case .none: callback(.success(getLights(from: data!)))
} else {
the use case:
the client:
pretty normal stuff.