You show the example Angular, but your experince it transaltable 1:1 for many modern libraries.
I have seen several companies expelling their most experienced developers, as the companies simply choose to disregard their warnings about increasing complexity and that switching to flutter would constitute as such and there-for a speed boost is not to be expected, rather the opposite. Each company decided to trust the cross platform promisses more than their own people with decades of experience — not a single one was able to release within 20 month after the switch, which should tell everybody involved that those projects are d.o.a. — instead what happens is that every team starts believing that their project indeed has a intrinsic complexity, even though it probably doesn't have any real complexity. But this Perseived Complexity becomes the center of gravity — complexity births more complexity. or to put it differently: You wont fight complexity by increasing complexity and win. Most likely you would end up in an eternal stall-mate, which will drain all resources.
I recently gave a presentation about this: